Yard Gard: Your Ultimate Solution for All Natural Pest Control

Welcome to Yard Gard, where we provide the ultimate answer to your all natural pest control needs. Whether you’re dealing with pesky rodents, persistent moles, or bothersome rabbits, Yard Gard has the perfect solution tailored specifically for you. Experience the peace of mind that comes from having a beautiful and protected outdoor space, without the hazards of live animal trapping or poisons. Our all natural pest deterrent products are chemical free, people and pet safe, and proven to work for over 90 days!

Yard Gard: Your Ultimate Solution for All Natural Pest Control

Welcome to Yard Gard, where we provide the ultimate answer to your all natural pest control needs. Whether you’re dealing with pesky rodents, persistent moles, or bothersome rabbits, Yard Gard has the perfect solution tailored specifically for you. Experience the peace of mind that comes from having a beautiful and protected outdoor space, without the hazards of live animal trapping or poisons. Our all natural pest deterrent products are chemical free, people and pet safe, and proven to work for over 90 days!

Yard Gard: Your Ultimate Solution for All Natural Pest Control

Welcome to Yard Gard, where we provide the ultimate answer to your all natural pest control needs. Whether you’re dealing with pesky rodents, persistent moles, or bothersome rabbits, Yard Gard has the perfect solution tailored specifically for you. Experience the peace of mind that comes from having a beautiful and protected outdoor space, without the hazards of live animal trapping or poisons. Our all natural pest deterrent products are chemical free, people and pet safe, and proven to work for over 90 days!


Studies Prove Yard Gard Works

At Yard Gard, we believe in harnessing the power of nature. Our products are crafted using all natural ingredients, ensuring that you can protect your home and garden without harmful chemicals or poisons. Our scientific approach guarantees that our all natural pest control methods are effective and safe for your family and pets.

Explore Our Pest Control Solutions

For more detailed information about our products, check out our test data and other resources located under the “Help” tab. Click on “Diagnosis” and “How Our all natural Pest Repellents Work” to learn more about how Yard Gard can effectively meet your needs.

If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-855-665-3746.

Why Choose Yard Gard?

  • All Natural Pest Control: Our products are designed to be safe for the environment and effective against unwanted animals.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Keep your space free from rodents without the use of toxic chemicals.
  • Proven Results: Our scientific studies back the effectiveness of our products, ensuring you can rely on Yard Gard.
  • Efficiency Testing: We are in the process of efficiency testing to ensure we provide the highest quality products.

Transform your outdoor space into a sanctuary with Yard Gard—the leader in all natural pest control solutions. Say goodbye to unwanted animals and hello to a thriving lawn and garden!


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"I found Yard Gard on the internet searching for Armadillo repellant. I want to thank you so much!!! This product is fabulous! Very easy to apply with a lawn spreader. Was sprinkling when we applied so the rain watered it in and I have not seen any more evidence of the armadillos! Both me and my flowers thank you! I am recommending to all my neighbors!!!"

– Susan in Missouri

"I found out about your product online doing a search for a problem with armadillo's digging up our yard. We have a moss lawn so I needed something that wasn't going to hurt our moss. I found your product easy to apply with a hand spreader. It works great!!!!!!! I do apply it about once a month, when we get rain here sometimes it will pour so I need to apply more often. Our moss looks great I think it loves this stuff! Thanks so much for your product."

– Alice in Arkansas

"I am one of your most CONVINCED customers. I first tried Yard Gard last fall (2010) I got great results!! It was easy to apply and the armadillo that was giving my yard HELL every night stopped coming by! I ordered more - probably have ordered 40 pounds about 4 times now. Thanks for your product and thanks for your customer service! I have been telling my neighbors and coworkers about your company and Yard Gard! Please keep me posted on your mole product too."

– Frank in Florida